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Marbles has been created to give you extra support as you care for the health and vitality of your brain.

The team behind Marbles is passionate about empowering people to feel at their best, especially through challenging times. This Marbles blog explores different ways each of us can take a holistic approach to supporting and nourishing our brain and body for wellbeing and mental resilience.

Nourish your brain

We can change our health by changing our diet. So, could what we eat also influence our brain, our mood and mental health?
Marbles is proud to present an in-depth blog series “Nourish your brain” to answer that question.
This 9-part email series is a journey into the connection between nutrition and our brain. It explores why nutrition matters to mental health, plus offers advice and provides simple ways we can make changes to your diet so we can improve our mood, emotional balance and wellbeing.

Enter your details below to access the weekly series.

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Nutrition blog series
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